![]() That was until I found David Flagg's site. I was inspired. And CocktailMAME was born. News3/25/03Finally found a nice looking speaker grill for 2.5" holes. Take a look at Lessons Learned. 3/5/03 Put up some new pictures of the current progress on the machine. Also, I'm torn in how I should finish the cabinet. Should I do the black vinyl or the wood grain vinyl? You can help decide: 2/13/03 After having not been able to touch the project for a while, I'm finally working on it again! Woohoo! I've gotten the top piece recut and painted (semi-gloss black, looks really nice!) I'm in process of countersinking the hinges so it lays flat against the top. The new joystick boxes are nearing completion, though I'm finding I'm having to deviate from the plans abit with attaching the boxes to the cabinet. The monitor is just a tad too big to pull it out and put it in with the boxes in place. I've added a new a page called Lessons Learned where I'm putting all of the things that I've learned (the hard way) along the road to completion. Hopefully it'll benefit someone. 2/11/03 I added links to the navigation menu so that people could order the plans for the cabinet through this website. I cannot recommend these plans enough! I've seen what they started out as and what they've become! And they are worth every penny of it. The only difference between the ones on GameCabinetsInc.com and these is that I get a bit of cash for the sale. 12/25/02 Got the prototype of the player one box redesigned and mostly put together. The conrol panel still needs to be screwed into place and I've been learning some hard lessons with working with formica, but it's coming together. Take a look. 12/20/02 David Flagg over at Game Cabinets, inc., sent me an update to the plans I bought from him a year ago or so. The changes that a year can bring. When I first purchased them for $8, they were little more than a collection of black and white line drawings and a Word doc detailing supplies. Now they're valued at $35 and they are definately worth the price! Full color pictures of a cabinet in process! Lots of cool ideas and suggestions. Well worth the price! I bought a couple of 2.25" trackballs off of Joel McLean that are going into the new control panel layout. Speaking of which, the left spinner idea with right hand buttons simply was working out. So, my wife and I worked on a new layout for the control panel. 12/13/02 I added some more pictures, added more detail and even added a contact e-mail. Yes, I need more spam in my mailbox. ;) I'll be fleshing out a list of links here fairly soon. 12/8/02 Although well recieved by friends, the initial stress test failed. The player one control panel came loose from it's joystick box. Arg! Well, back to the drawing board...
CocktailMAME is based off an earlier version of the plans by David Flagg at Game Cabinets, Inc.. Got questions? Feel free to e-mail me. |